The highest line on the chart represents (you guessed it) the highest toned string on your bass (B). In order to read tablature, the lines on a tab chart represent the strings on your bass, with the bottom line representing the lowest-toned string (E). Sometimes known as “tabs,” tablature uses a series of lines and numbers to show you what notes to play. One of the easiest ways to visualize that is by using tablature. When playing the G Major scale on bass, it’s helpful to know where to place your fingers on the fretboard. Starting with the root note of G, the G Major scale makes use of the formula above and strings together the following notes: Once you start playing it and committing it to memory, you’ll be able to listen for it and recognize it in some of your favorites. The G Major scale on bass can be heard in a wide variety of popular songs. Let’s apply that formula to the G Major scale. While there are eight notes in a single octave, that means there are seven steps in between each of those notes. Intervals are the “steps” between each note - either a whole note or half note. Regardless of whether you’re playing a C Major scale or a G Major scale on bass, all major scales use the same formula of intervals in their construction. In terms of sound, a major scale has a bright and cheery feel when you listen to it. Many songs are written in a major key, making use of a variety of major scales to set the tone. The major scale is the most common and important type of bass scale. Let’s learn more about the different types of bass scales and some of the different genres where you’ll hear or play them. Each one serves their own purpose and lends a different feel when applied to a song. There are different types of bass guitar scales. Every scale starts and finishes with a “root note.” This note bookends the scale and the final note of the octave is the exact same note as the one your scale started with, just raised one octave higher. The tone of each of these notes in an octave remains the same whether you’re playing them on bass, guitar, or ukulele. Every scale is made up of eight notes that are called an octave. So, what are bass scales? A bass scale is a series of notes played in a specific order, up and down the neck of your instrument. Bass scales, for beginners, can also help you to increase your finger dexterity - maneuvering along the fretboard to play notes in a given scale - and later applying that knowledge to play or write guitar solos. Not only does learning to play scales give you an understanding of what notes are contained in a specific key and their corresponding chords, but learning to play bass guitar scales can help you to develop an ear for different tones. One of the fundamental building blocks of a bass guitar education is learning to play scales.